Stop hesitating, just knock!! (Contact Here)
Whoever wants to follow Jesus Christ by the spirit of martyrdum, join us !!
We were founded to be the successors of 103 Korean Martyr Saints and other martyrs.
Spirit of Martyrdum is revealed when we live the brotherhood joyfully in the world.
Join us!
Have a great deal of Martyr Saints as your intimate friends,
Have those intercessors close to you.
< Contact Information >
+63 977 422 8743 Fr. Paul Kang paul-00@hanmail.net
(Philippine Vocation Director in San Pedro Calungsod Formation House)
+63 2 423 9717 blessedkoreanmartyrs@yahoo.com
(San Lorenzo Ruiz Formation House)
+82 10 2402 4702 Fr. Andrew Han hankhos@hanmail.net
(International Vocation Director in Korea)
E-mail (Mother House) : 1953bmc@gmail.com
Clerical Congregation of the Blessed Korean Martyrs(BMC)
Address in the Philippines:
San Pedro Calungsod Formation House
191 Brgy Sulsugin Ibabasulsugin Alfonso 4120 Cavite, The Philippines
San Lorenzo Ruiz Formation House
No.2, 13th St., Victoria Ave., New Manila, Quezon City, The Philippines
Address of Mother House in Korea:
한국순교복자성직수도회 서울시 성북구 성북로 143 (우편번호: 02879)
Clerical Congregation of the Blessed Korean Martyrs
143, Seongbuk-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea (Postal Code: 02879)
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 | 추천 | 조회 |
공지사항 |
Stop hesitating, just knock!! (Contact Here)
| 2013.05.12 | 추천 0 | 조회 444 |
수도회 | 2013.05.12 | 0 | 444 |
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Brief Explanation on the Spirituality of BMC
| 2013.05.13 | 추천 0 | 조회 427 |
수도회 | 2013.05.13 | 0 | 427 |
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More About BMC…
| 2013.05.13 | 추천 0 | 조회 479 |
수도회 | 2013.05.13 | 0 | 479 |
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The Short History of BMC
| 2013.05.13 | 추천 0 | 조회 403 |
수도회 | 2013.05.13 | 0 | 403 |